Bob Beaty, a former longtime coach of multiple high school sports in Jefferson County, died from cancer on Friday, November 14. Born April 10, 1944 in St. Louis, Missouri, he grew up in Texas and Oklahoma and graduated from Norman High School, Norman, Oklahoma, where he was a member of two state championship teams. He received his B.S. degree and M.S. degree from Oklahoma State University. After moving to Colorado in 1972 he taught at Dunstan Junior High and Evergreen High School and Chatfield Senior High. He is survived by his wife, Mary Michele, son Shaun (Eleni), and daughter Cindy (Greg) Chicota. In addtion, he is survived by grandchildren Austin and Ashley Beaty. Also surviving are Don and Melanie Jones, sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Scott Jones and niece Kelly Kaye and their families, and mother-in-law , Nan Windle. He was preceded in death by his parents, Betty and Joe Beaty. In lieu of flower, donations may be made to the Bob Beaty Memorial Scholarsip Find or Cancer Research at the Urological Oncology Center at the University of Colorado Medical Center.